1. Personal Information and its importance
Personal information is information or an opinion about you from which your identity is apparent. Protecting your privacy is fundamental to the way we do business.
This document sets out the way we will collect, store, use and share your personal information. It will also provide you with information about what you can do to access the personal
information we have about you, the way you can have it corrected, if necessary, and what steps you can take to complain about any action taken by us in relation to the information.
The legal framework under which we deal with your personal information is set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (contained in Schedule 1 to the Privacy Act)
and the Credit Reporting Privacy Code made under the Privacy Act. These rules apply to information about individuals, not corporations.
2. Why we collect personal information
We collect personal information so that we can:-
a. accept and process your application for a loan or service referral in accordance with the requirements by law;
b. undertake, where appropriate reporting and fraud prevention and claim recovery;
c. manage your account with us;
d. assist in the resolution of any dispute you have with us;
e. provide you with information about other products or services we currently offer, or may offer in the future or are offered by our commercial partners;
f. in certain circumstances as disclosed in paragraph 6(l), sell your personal information, or to provide that information to others who might offer services to you, and
g. satisfy an obligation we may have under the law to collect personal information or make assessments.
We will not use personal information we have collected for a purpose other than that disclosed in this Privacy Policy without your consent, or in circumstances where you would reasonably
expect the use for that purpose.
3. If you do not provide us with your personal information
If you do not provide us with your personal information or where we request it, give us consent
to collect it from others, we will be unable to, amongst other things, provide you with the referral you seek. We will therefore not be able to satisfy our internal obligations and will
not be able to provide a service to you.
4. Where we get personal information
We obtain personal information from any of the following sources:-
a. you in the process of your application or in other communication with you;
b. publicly available information such as telephone directories, information on websites or from publicly accessible databases;
c. persons or entities you have authorised to provide us with information;
d. your use of our website with the aid of "cookies", and
e. marketing or lead generation companies from which we may acquire information in order that we may offer services to you.
Where we obtain personal information which we are either required to collect, or authorised to collect by law, we will advise you of that fact.
5. Sensitive information
"Sensitive information" is information about your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association or trade union, sexual preferences or practices, criminal record, health or genetic information.
We will not collect, use or disclose any sensitive information about you unless we have your specific consent, and it is necessary to undertake one of the functions referred to above.
6. Exchange of personal information
We may disclose your personal information to:-
a. such credit reporting bodies, ratings agencies and any business which provide information about the credit worthiness of persons with whom we have a commercial arrangement (more detail about this appears below);
b. credit providers;
c. personal and/or business referees nominated by you (if any), including your employer (in relation to your employment status and income);
d. our professional advisers, contractors and other service providers (eg. IT consultants);
e. your legal, financial and other advisers (if any) if permitted by you;
f. Centrelink, Australian Taxation Office or other Government departments, agencies or bodies, to whom we may be required by law to disclose information supplied by you to us;
g. our financiers;
h. our contractors, agents and service providers (including debt collectors) in order that we may deal with you more efficiently or collect monies owing to us (if any);
i. our external dispute resolution service (if any);
j. payment system operators (if any);
k. our insurers, insurance underwriters/providers in relation to our insurance policies;
l. entities (either credit licensees (credit providers or credit assistance providers), lead providers or other service or goods providers) to whom we may sell your personal information for a fee.
These entities may either provide a service to you themselves or on-sell your personal information to others on the same basis as your personal information is sold to them;
m. search agents and search system providers in relation to your residential information and other information in order to contact you, and
n. real estate agents, employers and others to enable us to be advised of your current employment, residential and other information held by them.
The legal framework under which we deal with your personal information is set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (contained in Schedule 1 to the Privacy Act)
and the Credit Reporting Privacy Code made under the Privacy Act. These rules apply to information about individuals, not corporations.
You agree that we may use your information in order to select and inform you about products and services available from us or from other companies in our Group which may be of interest to you and we may share your information with them for analysis, for their marketing purposes or so that they may contact you about their products or services. We may pass your information to agencies conducting market research for us.
The LastMinuteLoan.com.au group of companies, affiliates, partners, and third-party service providers may also use the applicant's collected information to offer similar products or services that may be of interest to the applicants by email, postal mail, telephone and mobile phones.
7. Overseas disclosure
We do not intend to disclose your personal information overseas and cannot foresee any circumstance in which the need to do so might arise. We do acknowledge, however,
that as part of our backup system, some of your information might be stored overseas (for example if we use "cloud storage"), but the information will not be available to be accessed by any person overseas.
8. Credit reporting
We are not a Credit Provider, and do not disclose any information about you within the credit reporting system governed by the Privacy Act and the Credit Reporting Privacy Code.
9. Access and correction
a. Access
The Privacy Act provides that, subject to some exceptions, you have a right to know what information we hold about you. If you wish to access the personal information we hold about you,
you should make contact with us in any of the following ways:-
Web: www.lastminuteloan.com.au
Email: mail@lastminuteloan.com.au
Mail: Level 11, 66 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000
It may be necessary for us to verify your identity before we can provide any information.
We will usually be able to provide this information to you within 30 days of the request. Should we require longer, we will write to you advising you a reason and seeking additional time.
We may require you to pay our reasonable costs of providing this information to you. There are restrictions in relation to those costs contained in the law.
If possible, we will provide you with the personal information in the form you request. However, in some circumstances it may be necessary for you to access that information in a method determined by us,
but we will always make it as easy as possible for you to access that information.
There may be occasions where we cannot provide you with that information. In such a case we will write to you and give you our reasons.
b. Correction
You can request that any personal information we hold be corrected if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. If you wish to make such a request you should contact us by any of the methods set out above.
If we agree with you that your information is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date we will make the appropriate changes and will write to you and tell you the changes we have made within
seven days of making that change.
If we do not agree that the information is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, we will write to you giving you the reasons why we have formed the opinion and tell you what steps you can take as a result of our refusal to change the information.
10. Complaints
You are entitled to complain if you believe we have not dealt with your personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act (including the 13 Australian Privacy Principles)
or any code under the Privacy Act.
If you wish to make a complaint, you should first contact us telling us what the complaint is and we will do our best to resolve the complaint with you.
If we believe that we cannot resolve the complaint within 30 days, we will write to you telling you why and seeking further time.
If you are not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint, you have a right to refer the matter to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
The contact details are as follows:-
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Phone 1300 363 992 (9:00am to 5:00pm Sydney time)
Fax 02 9284 9666
Mail GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
E-Mail enquiries@oaic.gov.au
Website www.oaic.gov.au
Complaint form: https://forms.business.gov.au/aba/oaic/privacy-complaint-/